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PDF Funtction (experimental) not creating entire HTML control inside of container

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Hi all,

this is starting to drive me nuts.


I'm looking to give users the ability to create PDF:s from a table that changes based on the date they have chosen.


Now the issue here is that the amount of text in fields can change and as far as I know I can't use a flexible height gallery for the PDF function.


Now I have created an HTML table instead.

I have put that HTML control inside of an vertical container.


However, upon creating the PDF inside of powerapps it only renders the part of the HTML control that is shown on the screen.

So it always gets cut of in the middle.

I have set Expand containers to true

 Container11_10, {ExpandContainers: true}


And also tested different paper sizes. However the result is always the same, it gets cut off down the middle and not the entire table will show up in the PDF.


Am I missing a setting somewhere?

Or is the HTML control simply not properly supported with the PDF Function?

  • TxTechnician Profile Picture
    TxTechnician 96 on at
    Re: PDF Funtction (experimental) not creating entire HTML control inside of container

    Hey, I've got a similar problem to this.  And did your exact solution to solve the problem (set auto-height on the HTML Control).


    But, I have this one long HTML text control.  It measures about 7,000 pixels in height.  And the container is cutting off the bottom 500 pixels or so.  Like in the plain view withing the app.  Which obviously causes the PDF to also be missing that 500 pixels. 


    Have you had this happen?

  • Verified answer
    drawser Profile Picture
    drawser 97 on at
    Re: PDF Funtction (experimental) not creating entire HTML control inside of container

    Did some more fiddling around and it turns out I have to set the Auto Height for the HTML control to true.

    Not the flexible height but Auto Height

    Now it works.

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