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SortByColums : Sort a LookUp column

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Hi there 😀


I have a list of invitations, that contains a LookUp column for contacts.

I need to get the 'Full Name' column of the related contacts, to filter the list of invitations.


Here is my old formula, I sorted my results using a column containing the 'Full Name', automatically extracted from the Contacts. The company I work with deleted this extracted column named "rcr_name".


When I put Contact.'Full Name' to replace "rcr_name", it doesn't work.



 'Days Attendance';
 StartWith(Contact.'First Name') ¦¦ StartWith(Contact.'Last Name');



Do you have an idea how to sort by Contact.'Full Name' please ?


Thanks in advance 😉 😁

Have a good day !

  • Romsteck Profile Picture
    Romsteck 83 on at
    Re: SortByColums : Sort a LookUp column

    hi again @v-yutliu-msft ,


    Perfect, it works great !


    Thanks ! 😉


    Have a good day !

  • Re: SortByColums : Sort a LookUp column

    Hi @Romsteck ,

    Since the gallery's data source have changed to the table that you shaped (AddColumns(....)), so using ThisItem means that the item in the new shaped table ,not the original table.

    I suggest you use an unique field to filter and then update.

    For example, Id field is your unique field.

    You could set patch formula like this:




    Bets regards,

  • Romsteck Profile Picture
    Romsteck 83 on at
    Re: SortByColums : Sort a LookUp column

    Hi @v-yutliu-msft ,


    Thank you very much for your answer, yes I use CDS.

    I can now sort my gallery.


    However, I have a patch toggle that uses This Item to find the record, but it doesn't work after that...
    There is an error at "ThisItem"..


    Do you have an idea ?


    Thanks 😁

  • Verified answer
    Re: SortByColums : Sort a LookUp column

    Hi @Romsteck ,

    Could you tell me what is your data source?

    I assume that you use CDS.

    Firstly, I'm afraid it's not supported to use lookup field in SortByColumns function.

    I suggest you use AddColumns function to shape your table.

    Try this formula:

     'Days Attendance';
     StartWith(Contact.'First Name') ¦¦ StartWith(Contact.'Last Name');
     "fullname";Contact.'Full Name' 
     //contact is the lookup field name, 'Full Name' is one field in related Contact entity

    Using AddColumns function will not effect your data source's data, it just shape table temporarily.



    Best regards,

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