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Power Apps - Building Power Apps

Gallery Scrollbar

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Hi all,

Hoping someone can help.
My canvas app includes a gallery with a vertical scrollbar. For some reason the format of the scrollbar is different on the published app to that on the edit version of the app. I've attached screenshots (the edit version is the first one).

The scrollbar on the edit version is what I want it to look like. Does anyone have any idea how I can get that format to be retained on the published version?   

Edit Version Published Version
  • DBO_DV Profile Picture
    DBO_DV 4,424 on at
    Gallery Scrollbar
    Yes I understand it Can be frustrating thats why i try to restrain from using the normal scrollbar as much as possible. 
  • Matt-991599 Profile Picture
    Matt-991599 114 on at
    Gallery Scrollbar
    Thanks DBO_DV

    Like you say though, it's quite a bit of extra work.

    I'm just a bit confused as to why the scrollbar isn't formatted the same when the app is published. I can live with it I guess, but the format in edit mode is just nicer looking! 
  • Verified answer
    DBO_DV Profile Picture
    DBO_DV 4,424 on at
    Gallery Scrollbar
    Take a look at this Blog: How to create your own scrollbar for galleries in Power Apps

    it's a bit of work but it would achieve what you need. 

    If this solvede your porblem please accept it as solution so others can find it as well. 
    If it helped in any other way consider liking it so we can keep supporting eachother. 

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