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Filter Galery

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Scenario: Employees are on duty at different times of the year. These periods are to be recorded via the app. I created the APP based on Anil's instructions (see link Dynamic Calendar Control in PowerApps with SharePoint List).

My problem: In the gallery of the APP, the Gannt Chart shows the correct number of recorded data records, but the display in the Gannt Chart is incorrect. See picture explanation

Question: Does anyone know how I can set the filter of the gallery so that the correct data records are displayed? Many thanks 
  • Suggested answer
    jpespena Profile Picture
    jpespena 330 on at
    Filter Galery
    Try changing the Items property of Gallery5 to be the same as the Items of Gallery4. 
    I have created Gantt Charts using galleries as well and that's how I usually build one; with two galleries parallel with each other with the same Items property but the other one will display the bars corresponding to start and end date.

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