I have a scenario where the following needs to happen in sequence:
1) A sharepoint list (e.g.: 20 individual rows) is maintained in sharepoint.
2) In Flow, i need to take a specific column of the sharepoint list in 1), and produce a new sharepoint list which has 1 row. The individual values from the multiple rows of the column of interest need to somehow be concanetated into mutliple line text (text 1;text2;text3...) in a single field.
I've tried with Flow, and the 'for each' function which it automatically adds does not work. It takes the individual value and process them one at a time - this creates brand new entry for ALL the records, rather than a single field with concatenated records.
Have someone tried out this similar concept with Flow before?
Or is it something that's not currently supported?
Help much appreciated!
I wanted to provide all the emails of the group owners in 1 field in the approval email. The group owners are stored in the Sharepoint list. This should only happens when a new line to the list is added so I avoid using "Get items"
I have found similar solution as the one described here was not working for me (I could not figure it out to be honest).
Before my "Start approval" part I have created "Initialize variable (name of variable + type "String").
Below and still before my "Start approval" I have added "Apply to each" (output is "Group owners" field).
Inside the "Apply to Each" I have added "Append to string variable" (Name = variable name from initialize and value is "Group owners email" field = what I want to display and " ; " as separator)
Below in the "Start approval" email text, I have added the variable to display it.
Hope this helps someone.
Hi @warren,
Could you please share a screenshot of your flow’s configuration?
I have made a test on my side and please take a try with the following workaround:
Image reference:
The flow works successfully as below:
Best regards,