A few days back we got a lot of issue on CustomAPI. I have different error from others. I shared Apps to other users (AppUser). This user cannot connect to the CustomAPI when he/she login into the Apps. Application is crash on windows, no action on Phone. I was reported this issue to PowerApps team. Seen like not fixed. Does anyone face with this issue?
Regarding the crash itslef, it has been reported to the product team and they are investigating it.
Is you custom API shared with other users? This is implicitly done if you share an app using a custom API. Or, you can explicitly share the custom API with others from powerapps.com.
There has same issue. My connector is working with own account. But other user cannot connect to the CustomAPI.
Here is Error Message from Event Log.
App <App> terminated itself by calling terminateApp API. App details are as follows: Display Name:<PowerApps>, AppUserModelId: <Microsoft.MSApps_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App> Package Identity:<Microsoft.MSApps_2.0.500.0_neutral__8wekyb3d8bbwe> PID:<6996>. The API was called from the context of the following HTML document: </default.html>. Error object passed to terminateApp carried the following details Description:<{"exception":{},"error":{"description":"Unable to get property 'toDiagnosticMessage' of undefined or null reference","number":-2146823281,"stack":"TypeError: Unable to get property 'toDiagnosticMessage' of undefined or null reference\n at tryGetDiagnosticMessage (ms-appx://microsoft.msapps/js/Core.js:886:13)\n at AddConnectionViewModel.prototype._handleError (ms-appx://microsoft.msapps/js/Core.Authoring.js:1469:33)\n at Anonymous function (ms-appx://microsoft.msapps/js/Core.Authoring.js:1416:45)\n at notifyError (ms-appx://microsoft.msapps/openSource/modified/winjs/js/base.js:2062:25)\n at state_error_notify.enter (ms-appx://microsoft.msapps/openSource/modified/winjs/js/base.js:1754:21)\n at _run (ms-appx://microsoft.msapps/openSource/modified/winjs/js/base.js:1921:17)\n at _error (ms-appx://microsoft.msapps/openSource/modified/winjs/js/base.js:1894:13)\n at Anonymous function (ms-appx://microsoft.msapps/js/AppMagic.Runtime.js:455:33)\n at ErrorPromise_done (ms-appx://microsoft.msapps/openSource/modified/winjs/js/base.js:2231:25)\n at notifyError (ms-appx://microsoft.msapps/openSource/modified/winjs/js/base.js:2077:17)"},"promise":{"_value":"[circular]","_isException":false,"_errorId":12},"id":12,"setPromise":"[function]"}>, and Stack Trace:- TypeError: Unable to get property 'toDiagnosticMessage' of undefined or null reference
at tryGetDiagnosticMessage (ms-appx://microsoft.msapps/js/Core.js:886:13)
at AddConnectionViewModel.prototype._handleError (ms-appx://microsoft.msapps/js/Core.Authoring.js:1469:33)
at Anonymous function (ms-appx://microsoft.msapps/js/Core.Authoring.js:1416:45)
at notifyError (ms-appx://microsoft.msapps/openSource/modified/winjs/js/base.js:2062:25)
at state_error_notify.enter (ms-appx://microsoft.msapps/openSource/modified/winjs/js/base.js:1754:21)
at _run (ms-appx://microsoft.msapps/openSource/modified/winjs/js/base.js:1921:17)
at _error (ms-appx://microsoft.msapps/openSource/modified/winjs/js/base.js:1894:13)
at Anonymous function (ms-appx://microsoft.msapps/js/AppMagic.Runtime.js:455:33)
at ErrorPromise_done (ms-appx://microsoft.msapps/openSource/modified/winjs/js/base.js:2231:25)
at notifyError (ms-appx://microsoft.msapps/openSource/modified/winjs/js/base.js:2077:17)
Did you report the issue to PowerApps using the "Send feedback" button?
- Yes, I did and i sent error message to one of PowerApps/Support team member.
Note. I haven't try with reimport method.
Hi there - we did have an issue with registering custom APIs yesterday and we fixed it and have deployed a fix (as of yesterday evening). For the app crash issue, would you be able to provide us crash logs so we can investigate? Did you report the issue to PowerApps using the "Send feedback" button?