Trying to figure out if I should just hide the Flow button. Can anyone come up with a use case or situation where the user should click on the flow button from a Task?
Any examples or situations that you can think of would be helpful.
Hi @damian_green23 ,
If you want to take advantage of the button, you may need a trigger called 'When a row is selected'.
After creating the flow, you will find it in the 'Flow' fly out button and run it.
The trigger of this flow will obtain the information of the record you select from the model driven app.
Best Regards,
Thanks for telling me how to hide it. But can you think of any cases where I as the developer would want the user to initiate a flow from the email?
Hi @damian_green23 ,
Please install the ribbon workbench first.
After installing it, please try these steps.
1\ Create a solution
2\ Add the table into the solution
3\ Open ribbon workbench
4\ Import the solution you created above in workbench
5\ Hide the 'Flow' button
Best Regards,