Below is and error message generated when trying to publish the App. It references "cr965_project_2", however, using the search function does not find the reference.
Any suggestions on how to resolve this?....Thanks
The request failed with error: '{"error":{"code":"0x8004f036","message":"The dependent component Entity (Id=cr965_project_2) does not exist. Failure trying to associate it with CanvasApp (Id=584baec9-472e-45ed-8e92-0807bb89f4a0) as a dependency. Missing dependency lookup type = EntityNameLookup."}}'. The correlation Id is 'e6593690-a7bc-4b7d-8bc6-cd59d40dd457'.
Session ID: 1468aa26-c9ed-49c9-bf54-5de3e80a23e9
"cr965_project_2" is the internal name of a table in Dataverse. In Dataverse table is probably called Project 2. To create the internal name for the table, Dataverse appends a code with an underscore, removes blank spaces in the display name and makes the whole internal name lower case.