Hi Everyone
I have a Combobox to navigate screens, is there anyway for me to highlight in the Combobox which screen I am on? Combobox is getting it's details from a hard coded table.
Thank you
I think I got it. I have changed from a hard coded table to a OnStart collect to populate my Combobox. below is a sample of that collection.
ClearCollect(colSiteNav,{PTitle:"Incident Report",Scrn:ScrnRL})
OnChange of that Combobox I have the following.
Then in the DefaultSelectedItems of that ComboBox I have
Then C/P this Combobox to all four pages, That way the landing page has the selected fill already highlighted.
Hi EddieE
I found it highlighted the whole combobox fill
You could add your colours to your Table data and reference that in the Fill property, eg
// Table
{Screen: Scr1, FillColor: Green},
{Screen: Scr2, FillColor: Purple},
{Screen: Scr3, FillColor: Red},
{Screen: Scr4, FillColor: Blue}
Then the ComboBox Fill property
LookUp( Table, Screen = Combobox1.Selected.Screen, FillColor)
To get the above to work I did use ClearCollect to collect the Table data into a collection but that may differ for your situation
Can you show a screen shot of the combobox with the selections.
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