Hi all,
I'm wondering where can I set the opening hours apart of creating a topic?
In other chatbots is possible to set the office times and then create a new topic to direct the customer when accessing the chatbot out of office hours.
So, if you guys have an idea of how to achieve this feature, please let me know.
Thanks again for your feedback!
I believe there is already a few suggestions about it in the ideas panel and I already voted for it. So, it's up to Microsoft to implement this crucial change in the PVA ecosystem.
Totally agree with the importance of the feature, and we are currently looking at the next round of major features to invest in, and this area is going to be well represented in those efforts. You can raise the priority of it by posting about your use case over in the ideas section.
Hi @peterswimm ,
I have Office 365 E5 and there is no option for omnichannel, so I'm patiently waiting till Microsoft place a connector to Microsoft Teams.
Also, wouldn't cost to have a switch for schedule hours like other chatbot platforms have.
Creating the topic with the logic before escalation is the best way at the moment, or using a service like Omnichannel to handle the conditional routing.