Hello everyone,
I am working on an expense PowerApp with SP Lists as the data source. I am currently trying to create a cost of mileage calculation as attached (1).
Is it possible for the PowerApp to do this calculation and ultimately serve the output? Unfortunately I cannot figure out how to automatically do the calculation in the field which makes it a bit difficult.
What I am trying to achieve here is in a label: Calculate a number from another label and a text input label.
For example:
Label: 0.55
Text Label: (amount of kilometers) for example, 10
Calculated Output: 0.90 * 10 = 9
**Note, I put the calculation in there, but only the calculated product is needed.
Thanks for the assistance with this!
Thank you very much Randy! Excellent and worked perfectly.
Your Text property on the Total Cost label should be:
Value(TextLabelKilometers.Text) * .9
You mention Label: 0.55, but I am not sure how that fits into what you want. In your picture, you have a multiplier label that has a Value of 0.55. I assume you wanted to calculate by that and not 0.90 as you stated in the text. If so, then your formula would be:
Value(TextLabelKilometers.Text) * Value(TextLabelMultiplier.Text)
I hope this is helpful for you.