Hi all,
I have a SharePoint list and I want to do a few progress bars that will show the progress of every service.
Because all of the services are displayed in one list, I am going to use the text label at the beginning of each question to identify the service that it is attached to. That way, I can sort by service type and create a progress part that will identify how many questions have been submitted per service. (exmple: VM_ , EDR_ )
Is it possible?
Thank you for your help!
The formula I sent earlier should store a collection with the progress for each item. To view it within a gallery, you just have to reference that item's record in the completion progress collection, and you'll be able to any item's progress.
For example, in a gallery you'll want to use a lookup, something like
LookUp(completionProgresses, Title = ThisItem.Title).Count
Which will return the # of completions for that item.
As for keeping this data up to date as you make changes, you can just rerun the clearcollect every time you make a change. It's not necessarily the absolute best solution but it should work.
Please keep in mind the formulas I've been sending are general and will have to be customized to your data.
Hi @madlad ,
I have a screen in the canvas app that have a gallery that is connected to sharepoint list.
I want to do in the gallery view the progress bars / present progress for every service that I have.
it is project managers screen so they will need to see the progress of every service...
and the user who is filling the form is also entering from gallery and the item data is opened in other screen with edit form.
if you need more information please ask.
To start, you likely can run this function at the app's start, and you'll likely want to rerun it, or at least update the collection, every time you'll be changing an item on the Sharepoint List.
In this collection, the progress is stored for each record. To find the progress for any one record, you'll want to use a LookUp function - note I stored the item's title as well(and this could be expanded to store ID, ect. ), and then you could find the # of completed questions for that record.
To get into more specifics I would need some more details on how the app and data functions specifically.
Hi @madlad,
Where do I need to put this formula?
And how do I extract the count to column?
Thank you for your help!
As I understand, you need to go through a SP list, and check which columns have answers, and which don't, and then you want that value compared to the total number of questions? If it's not like this and I'm misunderstanding please let me know.
Assuming your table is set up like this, you could do something like:
Title: ThisRecord.Title,
{completed: IsBlank(ThisRecord.Q1)},
{completed: IsBlank(ThisRecord.Q2)},
{completed: IsBlank(ThisRecord.Q3)},
This will create a collection which will have the title and count of each question column which does not contain a blank value (no answer). You'll just have to swap in your own datasource and column names here.
Hope this helps!