Hi All,
I have a basic problem that I can not seem to resolve.
I have a table (tblTools) as per the attached ER Diagram that I have created in Dataverse.
For the testing of the app I entered data into the table though my Canvas app with no issues.
I am now ready to import my production data from excel into the tblTools. I have tried using both Import options from within the table in Dataverse but both my lookups columns are missing (Please see attached screenshot)
All I require method of importing over 3k records into a Dataverse table with all the columns
Any help is appreciated
Hi, what is the error you are getting when importing?
@LuisArellano Thanks for your suggestion but when I select all columns the import fails.
Instead of IMport Data, you can try "Import data from Excel"
Select your .xlsx or .csv file and click "Map columns"
If you do not see your lookups, show "All Columns"