I have a power automate flow with trigger "When a record is a selected", and one action "Refresh a dataflow".
When I execute the flow from a model driven app, it succeeds; when another user executes the flow the same way, the action fails:
"Message": "The backend request failed with error code '403'",
"Reason": "Forbidden",
"WorkspaceType": "Environment",
"OperationId": "RefreshDataflow",
"ClientRequestId": "aea45cca-621f-4cbb-921f-97d2bd250b49",
"ClientRequestUrl": "https://flow-apim-europe-002-westeurope-01.azure-apim.net/apim/dataflows/shared-dataflows-4dfab2f0-d9de-4dd1-bbf1-0d8f7dee579d/api/groups/b8222c1c-0df9-e5a0-a254-7eff02fac043-31c688f59-europe/dataflows/a803a18c-7a17-4d39-b97e-722dc7ea9df2/refreshdataflow?workspaceType=Environment"
the action called is https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/connectors/dataflows/#refresh-a-dataflow
Is there any security concept that prevents specific users from refreshing a dataflow?
Only the dataflow owner is allowed to refresh a dataflow - here's how to make it work:
Open the Power Automate Flow details page for your flow. On the right side of the page you should see a panel for Connection References. Confirm the connection to your dataflow is using the owner of the dataflow. You should also see a panel for Run Only Users - click Edit. The Dataflow connection by default will be set to "Provided by Run-Only User". Change this to "Use this connection (the owner of the dataflow)". It is not necessary to invite users or teams for this to work.
I hope this helps,
Was there any solution to this as I seem to be having the same issue?
I think the solution in the end was to share the triggering flow with all users as owner...
Was there any solution to this as I seem to be having the same issue, only I can run the flow that contains the dataflow refresh without getting the 403 forbidden error?