I'm trying to display the value (user entered in TextInput6_1 [inside gallery]) in the TextBox below.
Appreciate if anyone of you can solve it. Thank you
I did created a datacard in EditForm to store the Gallery
@jshuang - Can you clarify where you added the control with the Concat statement? Is it inside a form control or some other container? Also, is galRECYCLED on the same screen?
Apologies for the wrong attachment in earlier replies.
You may refer the screenshots below:
Hi @jshuang
There should be no square brackets in the formula. Also, the correct property is .AllItems, not .Selected.
Yes, i did tried your way to do it. However no value display. Is it because the Default value for the textbox (TextInput6_1) is blank?
Here's the code for the textbox below
Can you show me the code you have for the bottom inputbox?
Im actually trying to get the value from the textbox. But seems like after key in the value the, the value did not populate out.
The Default in the Textbox6_1
Are the input boxes in the same gallery item?
Try this:
Concat([galRECYCLED.Selected.TextInput6_1.Text, galRECYCLED.Selected.TextInput4_1.Text, ..all your fields comma separated..], Value, ",")
Update, added Value after table.
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