I am trialing on the BYOM aibuilder (PowerApps-Samples/ai-builder/BringYourOwnModelTutorial at master · microsoft/PowerApps-Samples and come across two problems:
i) Set(Prediction, 'pneumonia-detection-v1'.Predict({image:Image1.Image}).Prediction) - this prediction failed to generate a result with error: ..........no capacity was found
I am on a 30 days aibuilder trial version which supposed to cover Premium features (and this BYOM is Preview, so should be an included feature without special credits/capacity)
Could it be due to my organization tenant without database capacity/full? (it does not seem so as I can still do other things except this BYOM prediction)
No Capacity was Found
ii) The original predicdt Fx statement is: Set(Prediction, 'pneumonia-detection-v1'.Predict({image:Image1.Image}).responsev2.predictionOutput.Prediction), however it comes with errors (Incompatible type...) so I check around and change to Set(Prediction, 'pneumonia-detection-v1'.Predict({image:Image1.Image}).Prediction), which eliminate the incompatible syntax error.
So is my revised syntax really correct? (it looks so as it proceed to no capacity error)
Thanks for any advice
I searched MSDN and could not find any proper documentation related to the above Fx command
I’m glad to hear you got it running! Please note that a 30 day trial gives you a certain amount of credits, but they can be used up. BYOM does not use credits but other AI usage does. The “30 day” has to do with how long before you can renew your trial.
I finally got this running:
i) Explicitly create another environment (select as trial at creation with a new database..) NOT using any of my other prior environment - so the steps is a) apply for a Trial Licensce (for your email account), b) create a Trial Environment.
ii) register the BYOM model on this specific trial environment