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Verifying values from an Excel file

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I am trying to create a chat bot that will check if values are correct in comparison to the excel file, that was i can verify who has permissions to use the chatbot .

Example : in my Excel, it is written


The bot will ask for the company and email and then it will either as for token 1, 2 or 3.


How can I do that ?



  • Expiscornovus Profile Picture
    Expiscornovus 31,124 on at
    Re: Verifying values from an Excel file

    Hi @Anonymous,


    You could ask three questions to request input for the company, e-mail and token. After that you can use that input and check it in a flow action.


    However, I don't know if I would use an Excel for this. As far as I know, the list rows present in table action does not support multiple filters. However, you could workaround that by using a couple of Filter Array actions


    Below is an example

    This is a very basic setup. You might want to include a couple of condition actions to check the results of each filter action, for some error handling.


    1. Topic example



    2. Flow which uses the input to check the Excel file


    Expression used in the second Filter Array action

    @or(or(equals(item()['Token1'], triggerBody()['text_2']), equals(item()['Token2'], triggerBody()['text_2'])), equals(item()['Token3'], triggerBody()['text_2']))


    Expression used in the Result variable

    if(equals(length(body('Filter_array_-_Token')), 0), 'No match found', 'Match Found')



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