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Publish canvas power app which uses SharePoint data source to Marketplace App Source

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We built a canvas app (Tablet layout) solution by using SharePoint as data source. Now we are planning to push the solution to market place and trying to figure it out, how we can include SharePoint schema for publishing.


If it is CDS (Dataverse) as backend source, we can add CDS entities and canvas app into a power app managed solution to push to marketplace.
When it comes to SharePoint, how can we process with SP list schemas and canvas app to push the solution to app source.

I see many blogs are referring with dataverse as data source for publishing app. Am looking for canvas power app which uses SharePoint as data source into Marketplace. 


Can you please provide your views/guidelines on this.  

  • sayalikothari Profile Picture
    sayalikothari 4 on at
    Re: Publish canvas power app which uses SharePoint data source to Marketplace App Source

    @vamshi : Hi Did you find solution to your problem? I am having exact same issue.

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