I have a SharePoint Modern page with a couple of web parts. One is a list web part, and the other is an embed webpart to link the items on the list webpart to my Power App. This seems to be working just fine, but I also have a save button on the App that I need to use to update the items that is selected on the list webpart. After connecting the webparts, I am using <iframe src="http://apps.powerapps.com/play/mAppID?ID=[$ID]"></iframe> to pass the ID of the item selected to the power app. The patch statement in the app I am trying to use to update a multi select people column in my SharePoint list looks like this...
myList, ID = Value(Param("ID")),
myColumn: Table (
'odata.typr': "@Microsoft.Azure.Connectors.SharePoint.SPListExpandedUser",
Claims: User().Email,
DisplayName: User().FullName,
Department: "",
Email: User().Email,
JobTitle: "",
Picture: ""
This patch statement keeps creating new entries, rather than updating the item that has been selected in the list form. What am I missing here?