Creating dynamic Power BI Tiles in PowerApps
PowerApps is the perfect complement to Power BI in that it makes it very easy to update or add data to the underlying datasets that Power BI is Visualizing. You can also find a video of this here
This walk through is using the Power BI sample data.
Step 1. Create a Dashboard using the Power BI Samples by selecting “Get Data” > Samples
2. Select the Sample “Retail Analysis”
Step 3. Create a Canvas based PowerApp
Step 4. Insert a Power BI Control
From the insert ribbon choose controls and scroll to the Power BI Tile
Step 5. Setup the Power BI Control
Step 6. Add some buttons to set the filter context
On the Insert ribbon select controls and add a couple (~three) buttons.
Step 7. Copy the TILE URL Text
Step 8. Create and set a variable to set our visual ….and our filter context
In the OnSelect of each button set a variable to the tile URL property
Step 9. Set the TileURL property of the Power BI Control
Select the Power BI control and scroll to the TileURL property then set the property to MyVar
Step 10 Copy this Text to the second button’s on select and add the text:
&$filter=Store/Territory eq ‘NC’
To the end
Step 11 Test the application
Creating dynamic Power BI Tiles in PowerApps
Hi All,
This is a really important post by Chuck - if you'd like to know about how to build a tool to create these tile URLs you can do so here. It's relatively long, but extremely useful and shows you how to use CDS to build a data model capable of surfacing any Power BI Page from any report from any workspace with any filter, all in a single tile - crazy. It's actually the precursor to storytelling with data, which is for me personally a theme for 2020.
PowerApps Power BI URL Builder Blog Post
Creating dynamic Power BI Tiles in PowerApps
FWIW, I tested this in two tenants and the Power BI Tile is under the Chart menu, not Controls. Stuff needs to quit moving around so much. When documentation is out of date in under 3 months, makes for a difficult end user experience.
And be careful when copying the added filter text. When I pasted that into my code, I got the smart apostrophe vs the simple one that Power Apps needs.
&$filter=Store/Territory eq ‘NC’
instead of
&$filter=Store/Territory eq 'NC'
Good example. But where are you getting the info to generate that additional filter string?
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