#1 How to set up a Power Platform Trials / Microsoft D365
Implementation Process:
1. Navigate to https://trials.dynamics.com then select the module where you need to explore. In this demo, I have selected D365 Sales
2. Click Try for Free. Once you click you will be redirected to another page like below
3. Click Start your free trial, Once you clicked you will be popped up with a hyperlink CLICK HERE
4. Select the Click Here HyperLink it will navigate to Another Page for Creating a new Instance
5. Enter your email address and Click Next
6. Then again Enter the details Like First Name/LastName/Business Phone Number/Company then Click Next
7. Enter the Mobile number and Click Send Verification Code
8. Once You enter the Verification code, it will ask you for Domain name then Click Next
9. Enter your User in my case it is (crmtest01) then Click Get Started
10. It will take you to https://admin.powerplatform.com/environments
11. By Default you will see an Environment
12. To Create a new Environment Click the NEW button at the top
13. Enter the Name of Environment then Type Of Environment(Sandbox/Product/Trail/Trial-Subscription Based) then Select Region and if you want to create a Database Enable the TOGGLE On else TOGGLE off
14. Click Next
15. Select the Highlighted one to Provide a Custom URL name for the Environment
16. Click Save and Wait for Few Minutes to get the Environment Created
17. Then Click Open Environment to view the created Environment
Please find my Step by step Guidance video for your reference.
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