Form Notification in Model Driven Apps Using JavaScript
Consider i have an Account Screen, with Annual Revenue field as 5000, if the value exceed more than 5000 i need to show an Notification.
Implementation Steps:
1. Create a WebResource
2. Open the JavaScript (Web Resource which you have Created).
Creating WebResource:
Adding Web Resource to Form
In My Scenario, am triggering alert on Change of Field Value.
So, Open the Form --> Click on the Field --> Click Events --> Then Input the Event name (Function name) and WebResource where the Function residing --> Save --> Publish
Write the below Code in the JavaScript
function onChange(executionContext){
var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
formContext.ui.setFormNotification("Annual Revenue should be less than 5000", "INFO", "1");
Notification Pop-up:
No Notification(Because we are Clearing the Notification):
Once written above code, just save and publish.
That's it 🙂
Form Notification in Model Driven Apps Using JavaScript
Thanks @rampprakash
Do you have a blog post or video to share?
On how to do that using Plugin or JavaScript?
Thank you!
Form Notification in Model Driven Apps Using JavaScript
Form Notification in Model Driven Apps Using JavaScript
Awesome post! Thanks for sharing!
Do you know how to automatically recalculate rollup fields using Javascript? (Instead of having to manually click the "recalculate" button).
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