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Power Automate Fundamentals # 3: Usage of Decode Uri in Power Automate


In Power Automate, to return a normal url from URL Safe Characters embedded encoded URI decodeUriComponent function is used.


Step 1:

Login to the required Power Apps environment using URL by providing user name and password and click on Flows on the left hand side as shown in the below figure.

Usage of Decode Uri in Power Automate Figure 1.jpg

Step 2:

After Step 1, Click on New Flow and select instant cloud flow and provide the trigger as Manually trigger a flow and click on Create as shown in the below figure.

Usage of Decode Uri in Power Automate Figure 2.jpg

Step 3:

After Step 2, provide name as decodeUriComponent and then select Initialize variable as shown in the below figure.

Usage of Decode Uri in Power Automate Figure 3.jpg

Step 4:

After Step 3, give title as Initialize variable - Encoded Uri and provide

Name - Encoded Uri

Type - String

Value -

And click on Save as shown in the below figure

Usage of Decode Uri in Power Automate Figure 4.jpg

Step 5:

After Step 4, take compose operation and name it as Compose – DecodeUriComponent and then under Inputs navigate to Expression Tab and then provide

decodeUriComponent(variables('Encoded Uri'))

and click on ok /update  and then click on Save as shown in the below figure.

Note : Here variables('Encoded Uri')) is Initialize variable that is considered from Step 4

Usage of Decode Uri in Power Automate Figure 5.jpg

Step 6:

After Step 5,  Click on Test -> Test Flow (Manually) and then click on Save & Test as shown in the below figure

Usage of Decode Uri in Power Automate Figure 6.jpg


Step 7:

After Step 6Run Flow and Click on Done and then below screen with flow run takes place and observe Encoded variable with Url safe characters are replaced and required url is well formed as shown in the below figure

Usage of Decode Uri in Power Automate Figure 7.jpg



  1. Make sure to save and run the flow whenever you try expressions.
  2. MS documentation is found at
  3. As an example encoded uri of my website uri is taken into consideration to provide as variable in Step 4, you can provide any other value of your choice.


Conclusion: In this way one can easily generate decoded version of a uri by replacing URL-safe characters .


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