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Power Platform Community Challenge

One of the best things about working within the community is to see the fantastic solutions you deploy into your workplace. Well now I'd like to challenge you to share those ideas.


What is the Community Challenge?

Each Quarter I'll be setting a community challenge and hosting a webinar to share the challenge with you. We'll get input form well know community celebrities, MVPs and Microsoft Product teams to give you ideas about potential solutions or how others have used the technology.

We'll then give you approx. 6 weeks to submit your ideas, these must be;

  • Real solutions, created in the specified challenge technology and available for anyone to create
  • Able to be demonstrated live to our judges - Teams call or Video submissions are acceptable
  • Non-commercial solutions
  • Anyone can enter, novices, business leaders, MVPs, Microsoft internal staff ….anyone
  • Have permission to share the ideas (ask your boss)

We will then host a Community Challenge Results Webinar to show you what the community has made.

We'd love you to present your own ideas at the results webinar but appreciate that not everyone wants to do that, so we will need a short video or we will make a short video or slide deck to show your solution for you.

If we have too many submissions, we, the judges will pick the ones to appear on the Results Webinar - but we hope to feature you all if we can 😍


Challenge 1 - Flic & flow

7th Feb 2020

The first webinar will be help on 7th February to launch the initial challenge - we will have content from Power Automate gurus Jon Levesque @JonL  & MVP Sandy Ussia @SandyU  to provide inspiration as well as my co-host newly minted Business Applications MVP - Laura Graham Brown.

In addition to a spot on the Results Webinar I'll also be inviting a few solutions owners to join me on stage or by remote connection at the Power Platform Summit in Barcelona to present your ideas to a much wider audience.

We'd love to see you on the live Microsoft Teams session, but if you can't make it don't worry - we'll be recording the live event and placing on You Tube shortly after the webinar.



Please join in, and let others know the date and time - to register and get your invite to the Teams Live event please click on the link below;

Challenge accepted ?!? - REGISTER NOW for Community Challenge 1 - Flic & flow, 7th Feb 11am GMT

I look forward to speaking with you all and most of all seeing how you rise to the challenge.



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