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Copy data from formatted doc to excel file using UI flows

Automate the repetitive task if you have a OneDrive folder full of templated resumes and you want to copy each candidate’s name and contact from a well-defined field to an Excel file. First, create a flow that automatically goes through every resume in the folder. Next, add UI flows to your primary flow to record the steps you usually take to transfer data between the two types of files. Finally, run the flow to copy data from Word to Excel for every resume in your OneDrive folder automatically. This is an example to demonstrate the recording experience between two different types of files.

UI flows Steps:

  1. Add a UI flows connector to the flow for each OneDrive file
  2. Provide Resume word doc file as input parameter
  3. Provide Candidates list excel file as another input parameter
  4. Provide another input parameter as DisplayName to refer to the same document in the scripts generated by the recorder
  5. Provide another input parameter as Candidates list excel file to refer to the same excel file in the scripts generated by the recorder
  6. This scenario has four input parameters
  7. Click on Launch Recorder
  8. And click Record from the recorder menu docked on top of your screen
  9. Open the Word and click on Open and click the Browse and in the File name click the input field name from the UI flow recorder and select the Resume File input and click back in the File name to populate the File name
  10. Copy the Candidate Name (Ctrl + C) from the fixed formatted file
  11. Click the Excel and click on Open and click the browse and in the File name click the input field name from the UI flow recorder and select the Candidates List File input and click back in the File name to populate the File name
  12. This Excel file should already have a table created with CandidateName and CandidateContact
  13. Click Alt + I and R to insert a new row
  14. Click (Ctrl + V) and go to nextCandidateContact column
  15. And switch to Resume Word doc to get contact details and paste in the excel file
  16. Save the CandiatesList excel file and close the file
  17. Close the Resume Word doc file
  18. Stop Recording
  19. Edit Run word script 2 and run word script 3 to refer the same word document by selecting No for Launch application and Refer the same document in the Main window title
  20. Edit Run Excel script 2 to refer the same excel file by selecting No for Launch application and Refer the same file in the Main window title.


  21. You can test the steps recorded by clicking the “Test now” button by removing the previously copy pasted Candidate’s name and contact in CandidatesList XLSX file.

Thanks for reading!


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  • nickspizza Profile Picture nickspizza 56
    Posted at
    Copy data from formatted doc to excel file using UI flows

    Why don't I have UI flows, not even under the Premium tab

  • DanielAmico Profile Picture DanielAmico 12
    Posted at
    Copy data from formatted doc to excel file using UI flows

    A short video would be much better to demonstrate this new functionality