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Adding a New Parallel Branch Goes Nowhere

Jcook Profile Picture Jcook 7,770 Most Valuable Professional

The Problem:

When adding a Parallel branch to an already existing branch that is complete. The new branch does not connect to the resulting action like the other branches. This results in the branch coming to a dead-end.

The Solution:

The easiest way to fix this dead-end is simple, but effective.

First we will add a action at the end of our flow. I always add a Scope action (However it does not matter what action you add - as we will be removing this later)

  • This will create the connection from the new branch to the new action we just added


Second is to drag the actions that are above the new action below the connected line

For example in the picture shown above. We want to drag the actions above Scope 2 on the left to under the Connection line highlighted in yellow

This is what it will look like:




 Now we can remove the action we created earlier (Scope 2).

Done! Now all the branches come together at the same point.

I hope someone can find this useful. I remember when I came across this before, I thought the only way around this was to delete the actions and recreate the parallel branches all at the same time.



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  • ManiLive Profile Picture ManiLive 41
    Posted at
    Adding a New Parallel Branch Goes Nowhere

    Nice.  Thank you.

  • Adding a New Parallel Branch Goes Nowhere

    Can someone post a small video doing the mentioned operation please?

  • Adding a New Parallel Branch Goes Nowhere

    Very Useful! Thanks


  • Adding a New Parallel Branch Goes Nowhere

    Awesome. Thanks for sharing @Jcook!