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Power Platform ALM -The Decision Tree

Power Platform Application Lifecycle Management can be achieved by various means –


  1. Manual export and import of Solutions from UI
  2. Export-import solutions using PAC CLI     
  3. Create your own Azure DevOps Pipelines by using Azure Dev Ops Build Tool tasks for Power Platform.
  4. Create your own GitHub Workflows by using GitHub actions for Power Platform
  5. Install ALM Accelerator for Power Platform
  6. Use In-Product ALM using Power Platform Pipelines

With multiple options available, organizations may get confused which option to use when. I have created this Decision Tree just to give some direction to choose the right tool. This is valid as of June 2023, and may change as the products evolve . Also, this  is just an indicative one, the actual option to be decided based on your business requirements.







Managed Environments is included as an entitlement in standalone Power Apps, Power Automate, Power Virtual Agents, Power Pages, and Dynamics 365 licenses that give premium usage rights. To learn more about Managed Environment licensing, see Licensing and Licensing overview for Microsoft Power Platform.


Useful Links -


Power Platform ALM Basics 

ALM Accelerator for Power Platform

Power Platform Pipelines Overview

Extend Power Platform Pipelines

Power Platform CLI commands for Solution Export-Import

Step-by-step -Setup Azure DevOps Pipelines for Power Platform ALM

Step-by-step Setup GitHub workflows from Power Platform ALM


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