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Pass information using QR Code in Canvas Apps

If there is a requirement to pass message or information using QR code, here the approach:



  1. A published Canvas App
  2. Power Apps installed on mobile and with access to the published Canvas App
  3. Canvas App should have BarCodeScanner button to read message from QR


Create QR:

  1. Use a TextBox control to get input from user
  2. Add an image in Power Apps to show the QR Code
  3. Generate the following string on any action: & TextBox.Text 
  4. Use the above generated string as source for image
  5. QR Code shows up


Scan QR to Read Message:

  1. Open Power Apps in mobile, search for Canvas App
  2. Open Canvas App
  3. Click on BarCodeScanner button
  4. Scan the QR
  5. Label.Text = BarCodeScanner.Value
  6. You see the message



Note: Refer attached videos



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