Hi there! Welcome to the Hyderabad Power Platform User Group August 2023 meetup. This time we have two speakers, Francis Msangi Masera and Clavin Fernandes. Francis is going to talk about "Getting started with extension development in Business Central" and Clavin will cover insights on "Create Power Automate for desktop actions using the Actions SDK".
Connect with Francis on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/francis-msangi-masera-3b0999107/
Connect with Clavin on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/clavin-fernandes-38a30862/
Have you joined the Hyderabad Power Platform User group yet? If not, you can join here: https://powerusers.microsoft.com/t5/Hyderabad-Power-Platform-User/gh-p/pp_Hyderabad_usergroup
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