Online event
Estimating, Scoping, Planning, Sizing
Description: Join us for an interactive workshop exploring different ways of estimating the effort, duration, and costs of building Power Platform and Dynamics 365 applications when using an agile approach. This workshop is aimed at Microsoft customers and partners involved in scoping, estimation, pre-sales, requirements analysis, design, and development. Event ID: 9140
Start Date & Time: 2021-05-25 1:00PM Pacific TimeEnd Date & Time: 2021-05-25 2:00PM Pacific Time
Speaker: Neil BensonSpeaker Bio: My mission is to help everyone use the Scrum framework to successfully implement Microsoft Business Applications. I've been implementing business applications since 1999 and using Scrum since 2008. I love envisioning and delivering customer engagement projects that provide clients with amazing results on Microsoft Dynamics 365 and the Power Platform using the Scrum framework. I'm fortunate to have received the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) award for Business Applications every year since 2010 for thought-leadership and my contribution to the Microsoft community. I publish a blog, podcast and online training course on using Scrum to implement Microsoft Business Applications.Speaker LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/neilbenson