This meeting we are excited to present on "How to host your own Hack-a-thon for your organization!"
A hackathon is a collaborative event that brings together different people to find solutions to a challenge. Participants brainstorm, collaborate, and develop solutions. The goal is to have a prototype or proof of concept ready by the end of the event.
A hackathon is a fun way to engage lots of people within your organization around a digital culture of change.
The key objective is to develop sample apps and cultivate ideas to drive digital transformation.
Teams come together, at the line of business or at the global scale, from different roles and departments to compete and create apps that address an organizational need.
Ralph will walk us through the Microsoft playbook for Low Code Hackathons with real world experiences as to what is not noted there and what is already there that should be followed very explicitly as well as what point one decides if it is more than something they can do themselves as well as how it could work with other technologies.
Ralph, a National Solutions Architect/Office 365 Champion at Sogeti USA, focused on all things Cloud as well as Microsoft 365.
Agenda - September 30th
5:30 Central - Welcome and Intros
5:45 - Latest updates and licensing changes in the Power Platform
6:00ish - “How to host your own Hack-a-thon for your organization!” by Ralph Rivas
Hope you join us!