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Cambridge Power Platform User Group Spring Event - 7th March 2024

3/7/2024 4:00:00 PM | 3/7/2024 4:00:00 PM to 3/7/2024 6:15:00 PM Europe/London | 20 registered

3/7/2024 4:00:00 PM 3/7/2024 4:00:00 PM - 3/7/2024 6:15:00 PM 3/7/2024 6:15:00 PM Europe/London | 20 registered

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Networking, Community, Power Platform, AI, Copilot,

Cambridge Power Platform User Group Spring Event - 7th March 2024 Let’s spring into action this 2024! The technology world has been buzzing with brilliant new features and updates that have everyone excited and we're here to help contribute to these fantastic insights!Our user group is so excited to announce the Spring Power Platform event on March 7th at 4-6 pm BST, where we'll be diving into everything AI, Copilot, and much more! This is a free event driven by communities worldwide, for anyone who wants to learn, share their expertise, or meet other like-minded people interested in the Microsoft Power Platform, AI, Copilot, and other exciting technologies! This event will be hosted via Microsoft Teams ending with a Q&A session.We promise it will be an experience you won't forget. We can't wait to see you there!Sponsored by Casper3654 PM – 6:15 PM BST7th of March 2024Agenda:4 pm - 4:05 pm Introduction by Sharon Sumner, Cambridge Power Platform Leader4:05 pm – 4:15 pm – Getrude CheronoSession: My Experience as a Microsoft Student Ambassador 4:15 pm – 5 pm – Liz SundetSession: Getting Started with Viva AmplifySession details: Viva Amplify is one of the newest experiences within the Viva family. Learn how you can orchestrate all of your communications from one central location. Understand what features are available to make your campaigns engaging to end users with this new tool. Find out what scenarios you can use to get started and other adoption resources to make it successful. You will walk away from this session with a good understanding of Viva Amplify to take back to your organization.Bio: Liz is a Program Manager at Microsoft and a former Office Apps and Services MVP. Liz loves a challenge, so everything from a business problem to troubleshooting an error in a system is just another learning opportunity. As a trainer and international speaker, she hopes to inspire others to learn something they can apply to their work immediately. When she is not working in SharePoint or traveling, you may find her in a variety of activities as diverse as she is: playing music, riding motorcycles, training her dog, and even a craft or two.5 pm – 6 pm – Zoe Wilson MVP & Kevin McDonnell MVPSession: Connecting the Copilots with Copilot ConnectionSession Details: What do you think about when someone mentions Copilot? The session will cover the story of Copilot and its evolution before covering the different types of copilots and their uses in various scenarios. But isn't this a Power Platform group? Don't worry, we will also talk about what Copilot brings to Power Platform and some of the benefits that you as Power Platform lovers will be able to continue the conversations for. Bring your questions too!Q&A session

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