Hello everyone,
@mabuobaid , @ibrahimmalhas , @Thaer_Athamneh , @Yhijazeen , @Rshishtawi , @Qosai , @Sahl , @WisamAlmomani , @ahyasin , @FirasMoaqet , @Ammar1 , @Momenob , @yazan_alomari , @Wafaakh , @bayannabulsi95 , @mkhaiy , @Sima , @Nourala90 , @WaedAyyad .
Happy new Year, and wish you all and your families a prosperous year full of "Power" 😉.
As we are starting 2022, the first priority should be our first meeting to kick off our user group, so I suggest to have it either this coming weekend (Thursday, Friday, or Saturday), or the week after.
Please reply with your suggestion and please put your preference for the meeting to be physical (in-person) or virtual (online) or you don't mind both!
looking forward to hearing from everyone.