Hello everyone,
I’m new to PowerBI, Power Automate, and ML and would love some expert advice. I’m a PM for a workstream within a program that contains 5 total workstreams (projects). I want to impress the management team and workstream leads by developing a robust dashboard that syncs up with our project plans. Currently, we use excel spreadsheets in one workbook and on OneDrive for collaboration and version control. However, I’m in the process of moving the excel spreadsheet plans into MS Project. Unfortunately, MS Project transition is not an option for me as it’s more of a mandate. The goal is to have less cooks in the kitchen making significant changes to project plan dates, milestones, etc., and limiting the people who make updates to just the PMs for each of the 5 workstreams.
Can anyone recommend a good dashboard that can connect to MS Project and read/scan the project plan data?
I want to simplify and automate the PM processes of following up on project plan line items that are past due or due by end of each month. I also want to generate reports and metrics for management at the click of a button with a summary of progress across all 5 workstreams or by individual workstreams with # initiatives, milestones, tasks, and/or sub-tasks that are past due, on track, delayed, potential delay, or complete.
I’m looking to create a “wow” factor here and really streamline the PM processes so I can focus on helping with actual delivery of output (setting up meetings, facilitating different initiatives, etc.).
Thank you!!! @Dashboards @powerbi @PowerAutomate PowerApps Project Management