Let me introduce myself, I am working in Global Worldwide Company as a Regional IT Manager for International sites ; My company has very close relations with Microsoft and MS "convinced" us lately to use their Power Platform features / tools in our environment. We did some PoC with MS partners regarding Power Platform and as a one of result of this PoC we built a Virtual Agent Bot for our Service desk in Teams (tenant licenses). We did ask many question during that PoC program ; which left unanswered still or the answer didn't satisfied us. So maybe anyone from you are looking for same answers or maybe someone of you found the answers already....
1. I am looking for any solution about transferring action from PVA to live agent other then using Omnichanel service
2. I am also looking for solution which will allow me to run scripts on user PC directly in unattended mode in secure way - remote powershell , psexec is not an option for my Infosec team
3. This one is not really PVA related but maybe you have similar case somewhere - my call centers are using Genesys cloud system now and I am looking for a way to connect them with Power BI for reporting purposes - as far as I know there is no dedicated connector yet ; so maybe we can do some Api calls or something else to get that data from Genesys uploded to Power Bi as a source.
Best Regards,
Zbigniew Blaszczak
IGT Corporation