Thank you to everyone that joined todays virtual meet-up.
Ahmed did a fantastic job sharing his Project Management App he built super helpful! Thanks again @Ahmed
Barbra recorded this session; I will post the link soon on our Linked In group and Microsoft Community group for anyone who wishes to watch. Thanks again Barbra Larson!
If you haven’t done so – join one of the groups below. I will be posting group virtual meet ups, updates, articles, and helpful tips in both of these groups.
Join our Linked In Group:
Join our Microsoft Community Page:
Next virtual meet-up will be Tuesday Nov 1st 6:00 PM EST
We will start the next meeting with asking if anyone needs help with their app.
Mitchell Fung volunteered to go first next meeting.
Then we decided we will build a sample project management app together over the next few weeks.
In the meanwhile, if you have any questions feel free to email me anytime!
See you all soon!
Juliana Kester