Hy Guys,
Need your help to resolve mentioned query. I have create a power pages website having 3 dataverse tables. 1st-Code table have my customer's name, 2nd table- "Generation" Table have a lookup column of Customer name with 1st Table, 3rd Table- "Loss" Table have same lookup column of customer name with 1st Table.
I created a multistep form in which in 1st Tab, user will enter Customer name, in 2nd Tab will enter Generation data & in 3rd Tab, there is a subgrid related to Loss table. So when create a record, user needs to enter Same customer name in subgrid create form which was already entered in 1st tab & will store in 2nd Generation table.
Mu query is, how do i copy the customer name from multistep form's 1st tab to 3rd Tab's subgrid create form?
Any Javascrpit for onloading page/create would be appreciable.