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View allhow to give option in copilot studio chat bot to user to upload a image only getting string as input to select
@ArtsyPowerApper demonstrations 1 of 3 custom copilot solutions designed to be shared in our Community Gallery. In this video I walk you through the 'thinking' behind the scenario and the different features used. Scenario: This Copilot sup...
Hi there, When we are building a solution whatever we want, accessibility is a key part of the process. You need to include people in your app, flow, bot, or anything that you are developing.Power Virtual Agents is a great tool that we can ...
The Movies & TV Shows Bot is a Power Virtual Agent Chatbot that you can use to get information about movies and TV shows. It will show information like description, rating, cast and episodes list based on the input provided by the user in the ...
Meet Stella the Astrobot 🚀 She's a space-themed Power Virtual Agent, and her special talent is to calculate what your weight would be on Mars. It uses Power Automate to calculate the Martian weight based on the weight input provided by the user i...
ChatBot : This video series covers the following topics:1. PVA tutorial from scratch2. API call from PVA...
Hi everyone, I created the chatbot to help your health by calculating the BMI metrics: You can download the workflow calculator here: Was developed in Pow...