"72 per cent of Canadian survey respondents recognize cyber crime as a risk, many still don’t fully understand the potential impact a cyber breach can have on the business" - Financial Post article.
The original article of the above quote also noticed that enabling whistleblowing allow for early identification of issues and is critical for ability to manage risk. That inspired me to create a solution integrated with O365 that will respect user anonymity - at least on the data access level.
I'm a huge fun of PowerApps but unfortunately they do not allow for guest access (at least not yet! 😉) and I was wondering if that's hard limitation. Maybe there is some workaround? There must be. And with a small help of Microsoft Flow I was able to create a solution that:
- Allow for anonymized creation of new submission
- View, Edit ones submissions in anonymized manner
- Correspond with assigned admin in anonymized manner
- As Admin you can access all submissions as well as filter submissions by status (i.e. only those submissions that waits for your action)
You can read about it more here. Application is downloadable here.