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3-in-1 Approval Flow, with Logging for the Approval Dashboard App

Audrie101 Profile Picture Posted by Audrie101

The original video story is here:


As promised this video walks through what I did to create the 3-in-1 Workflow for SharePoint lists and libraries, and gives tips on how I logged items for an Approval Dashboard in PowerApps. See the important note below.
IMPORTANT dependency notes:

1. Using the CDS entities will require adjustments to CDS security roles for "everyone" to be able to see all the results in the app. If you'd rather not edit security roles, then make the app entirely from the ApprovalLog (plus the library as datasouces) rather than using the CDS entities in the app, OR the Environment Admin can use Flow to query CDS and return a collection to PowerApps.

2. In the video, I make a faux-pas and say the SharePoint Library has to be the owner - but it does NOT. It only has to be a run-only user. (Making the library an owner would allow them to change the Flow, which was my case, but that's uncommon that you'll want consumers to be able to edit the Flow too.)
How you customize the App and Flow is totally up to you! I've made at least 5 different versions, including 1 with thumbnail images of the file which they used to initiate the workflow. Please let me know if you would like additional details (please be specific so I can keep the videos concise and to the point for you).




