Power Apps Tutorial video introducing the new PDF function.
Power Fx PDF function allows us to create PDF documents directly from PowerApps screens, galleries and containers. The generated PDF Blob can be leveraged to showcase the PDF in a PDF Viewer control in Power Apps, or send an email with PDF File attachments from Power Apps or save the generated PDF File to a data source like SharePoint Document Library with the help of Power Automate flow.
PDF function video in Power Apps covers the following:
✅ PDF Function introduction
✅ PDF function options (Orientation - Landscape or Portrait, Size - Paper Size A1,A2, etc., Margin, DPI and ExpandContainers)
✅ PDF function Expand Containers (Shows all gallery items, can be used for Scrollable screen, form control, DataTable, etc.)
✅ Generate PDF from Power Apps Gallery or Collection or Data Table
✅ Generate PDF from Power Apps Screen
✅ Generate PDF from Power Apps Container
✅ Generate PDF from Power Apps Form Control
✅ Send PDF as email attachment from PowerApps
✅ Save PDF generated in Power Apps to SharePoint
✅ Generate PDF in PowerApps from SharePoint List Item Attachments (Camera, Pen Input, Upload Picture).