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File Uploader Component

SpoTechGeek Profile Picture Posted by SpoTechGeek 32

Used to upload documents to a library when connected to a Power Automate flow.


Add the component to your component library. In your app, get the UploadFiles component from the Components library and add it to your screen. The component has the following custom properties (see image)


Component custom properties
  • To show/hide the attachment dialog, add an icon or button to your application's screen and set the OnSelect property to:
    (feel free to substitute with your own variable names)
//Hide attachment dialog
UpdateContext({locShowAttachmentDialog: !locShowAttachmentDialog})
  • Set the component's Visible property to locShowAttachmentDialog
  • To the Save OnSelect and Cancel OnSelect custom component properties add the statement below in order to hide the component when the corresponding icons are selected
UpdateContext({locShowAttachmentDialog: false})
  • To the Save OnSelect property of the component, add the following at the top. Below is what the final code should look like.
    UploadFiles_1.Attachments, //Component output property containing file names and binary values
        colAttachControl, //Collection containing files returned from the component
  //Call to Power Automate flow
            fileInfo: YourFlowNameHere.Run(
                Name, //File name
  //File properties
                    name: Name,
                    contentBytes: Value
  //Item id from related list gallery (optional)
//Hide attachment dialog
UpdateContext({locShowAttachmentDialog: false})




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