*Last Updated: 2019/02/28
I improved a play response of the application and replaced the Trumpet.msapp file.
And I also uploaded an application (Trumpet_withExpressionControl.msapp) that can control Legato and Marcato for Surface.
This is the Trumpet.
I made the application assuming that the app play with Android mobile phone.
*I don’t recommend playing with iPhone due to playback sound delay in iOS.
movie (from Twitter)
This app have 3 piston valves (same as real trumpet fingering) for right hand and 7 buttons that act as a lip buzzing for left hand.
The sound keeps while any button of left hand is pressed. On the other hand, the right hand uses only change the tone.
I don't use Timer Control but simply use the button pressed property (ButtonName.Pressed). And the result is used to play/stop the audio directly.
Please see below about the structure of the trumpet:
I use the free trumpet sound file obtained from the website below (University of Iowa Electronic Music Studios).
Background image is a photo of my wife's trumpet.
Play fun!!