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Screen Header with Search Box and Icons

SpoTechGeek Profile Picture Posted by SpoTechGeek 32



Header with Search text box and screen/app title label.

Common editing and navigation icons. Most colors are editable. Icons such as Add New, Save, Delete, Back, etc. You can show/hide most controls and use behavior properties such as OnSelect.

Brief explanations on usage are in the comments of properties.


Note: The latest update addresses the "One or more component behavior properties, event or action, have a mismatched return type" error.


  • New version has generic icons where you can define the image and be able to change the image in the app on the fly in a table (see below).
  • You can now add labels below the icons and the hover tooltip will match the labels.


Image & Label Table




// Set the icon label text & image
// Use in-app variables for IconImage or IconText if needed
 IconText: "Menu",
 IconID: "Icon_01",
 IconImage: Icon.Hamburger
 IconText: "Home",
 IconID: "Icon_02",
 IconImage: Icon.Home
 IconText: "Back",
 IconID: "Icon_03",
 IconImage: Icon.BackArrow
 IconText: "New",
 IconID: "Icon_04",
 IconImage: Icon.Add
 IconText: "Edit",
 IconID: "Icon_05",
 IconImage: Icon.Edit
 IconText: "Submit",
 IconID: "Icon_06",
 IconImage: Icon.Save
 IconText: "Delete",
 IconID: "Icon_07",
 IconImage: Icon.Trash
 IconText: "Cancel",
 IconID: "Icon_08",
 IconImage: Icon.CancelBadge
 IconText: "Filter",
 IconID: "Icon_09",
 IconImage: Icon.FilterFlat
 IconText: "Refresh",
 IconID: "Icon_10",
 IconImage: Icon.Reload



Custom Properties





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  • SpoTechGeek Profile Picture SpoTechGeek 32
    Posted at
    Screen Header with Search Box and Icons V2

    @saumya Use the "Title Text" property. You can add static or dynamic (variable) text there.

  • saumya Profile Picture saumya
    Posted at
    Screen Header with Search Box and Icons V2


    How I can change the screenName and make it dynamic?



  • SpoTechGeek Profile Picture SpoTechGeek 32
    Posted at
    Screen Header With Search Box & Icons

    Hi @Juilan 

    To use the search box, add a gallery and set the Items property to the below
    Use various search/filter strategies. the "in" might create delegation issues on large data sets. try "=" or StartsWith, etc.



     CustomGallerySample, //Your data source name
     HeaderWSearchIcons_1.SearchValue in SampleHeading Or
     HeaderWSearchIcons_1.SearchValue in SampleText




    To dynamically hide icons, you could create context variables on the OnSelect properties. For example, say you want to show the Cancel icon only when the Edit icon is selected -

    1. On the EditOnSelect property of the component create a context variable:



    UpdateContext({locIsEditSelected: !locIsEditSelected})​



    • Set the Cancel icon's Visible property to locIsEditSelected
  • SpoTechGeek Profile Picture SpoTechGeek 32
    Posted at
    Screen Header With Search Box & Icons

    Hi @Juilan 

    To use the search box, add a gallery and set the Items property to the below
    Use various search/filter strategies. the "in" might create delegation issues on large data sets. try "=" or StartsWith, etc.


     CustomGallerySample, //Your data source name
     HeaderWSearchIcons_1.SearchValue in SampleHeading Or
     HeaderWSearchIcons_1.SearchValue in SampleText



    To dynamically hide icons, you could create context variables on the OnSelect properties. For example, say you want to show the Cancel icon only when the Edit icon is selected -

    • On the EditOnSelect property of the component create a context variable:


    UpdateContext({locIsEditSelected: !locIsEditSelected})​


    • Set the Cancel icon's Visible property to locIsEditSelected
  • Juilan Profile Picture Juilan
    Posted at
    Screen Header With Search Box & Icons

    This looks to be a sleek menu system. Do you have an example please that I can look at? I can see the explanations in the properties, but am too new to PowerApps to fully understand what to do. Thanks