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Emergency Response Communication Mobile App.

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Compusoft has come up with the innovative and unique solution based on Microsoft technologies, to help solve challenges faced by our customers and community during this unprecedented times. 

The hospital staff are often challenged to meet surge in number of patients while managing supply chain during emergency. By using the Emergency Response Mobile App, front-line workers/healthcare staff can quickly view and add data for ventilators, staffing, pending discharges, and COVID-19 related patients.

Emergency Response Mobile Apps for Healthcare Facilities 

To track key data points and communicate their needs. This includes multiple modules that can be independently activated for:

  • Reporting the current status of Registered Nurses staff and equipment in use.
  • Tracking supplies on hand on each floor or area of the hospital as well as the rate at which they’re being used.
  • Making requests for additional personnel by department, role, and urgency.
  • Reporting counts of those who are positive for COVID-19.

For the more information please contact us here: 
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Visit : Emergency Response App

