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PowerApps Tuesday Tutorials #31 Countrows, Timer Duration, OnTimerEnd, Timer Repeat

rorybi Profile Picture Posted by rorybi 69

Fnishing off the off the Music Slideshow with a look at Countrows() Timer Duration, OnTimer End Timer Repeat.  12 minutes this time, so it's a cup of tea and a slice of toast video, maybe even time to do the washing up!  #TDG #PowerApps #Timer #Countrows  




  • rorybi Profile Picture rorybi 69
    Posted at
    PowerApps Tuesday Tutorials #31 Countrows, Timer Duration, OnTimerEnd, Timer Repeat

    Yes, you absolutely can.  I've done it myself and then wondered why my slideshow never ended when I forgot once!  The countrows operation will help you out with this.

  • JillSearcy Profile Picture JillSearcy 11
    Posted at
    PowerApps Tuesday Tutorials #31 Countrows, Timer Duration, OnTimerEnd, Timer Repeat

    Love the tutorial. Thank you so much! One question though: Could you run this "slide show" in a continuous loop? I'm thinking repopulate the collection and start over without having to require the user to do anything...