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Tutorial on "How to build Responsive Power Apps"

RezaDorrani Profile Picture Posted by RezaDorrani 12,141

This video is a step-by-step beginner’s tutorial for creating Responsive Canvas Power Apps.

The responsive layout containers & screen templates will let us build truly responsive Apps that works across Desktop, Mobile and Tablet experiences.

A responsive Power App is one in which controls in the App can respond to different devices or screen sizes.


Video covers key Microsoft PowerApps responsive UI design principles & concepts:

Horizontal & Vertical Responsive Containers

Container Properties - Stretch, Fill, Flexible width, Flexible height, etc.

Screen Layout Templates

Responsive Dynamic Tabs

Responsive Gallery

Responsive Form Control

Responsive Filter Container Controls

Reza Dorrani, MVP



General PowerApps


  • roryafrancis Profile Picture roryafrancis
    Posted at
    Tutorial on "How to build Responsive Power Apps"


  • RezaDorrani Profile Picture RezaDorrani 12,141
    Posted at
    Tutorial on "How to build Responsive Power Apps"

    @roryafrancis @vishalholam007 


    here is the link

  • roryafrancis Profile Picture roryafrancis
    Posted at
    Tutorial on "How to build Responsive Power Apps"

    I don't see the link to download the sample app. I am also having problems with the showing the tabs correctly.

  • RezaDorrani Profile Picture RezaDorrani 12,141
    Posted at
    Tutorial on "How to build Responsive Power Apps"



    video description has link to download sample app.


  • vishalholam007 Profile Picture vishalholam007 4
    Posted at
    Tutorial on "How to build Responsive Power Apps"


    I seen your complete video and try same 4 to 5 times but app not showing responsive is there any version issues of any other setting you made and miss in video.  My current version showing 3.21112.22

    Please let us know can we make fully responsive app so we are looking for other customize tool like lightning and nitex

  • bbsin Profile Picture bbsin 1,994
    Posted at
    Tutorial on "How to build Responsive Power Apps"

    Hi @RezaDorrani 


    I was following your video but not sure why mine tab and display didn't turn up like yours.  Can you kindly help.  Thank you


    On canvas, the tab was not showing all - there are 7 tabs  and original formula






    when the change the formula to .. there's a gap and it's not auto sizing nicely?  

    The tab all squeeze together there is a big gap on the right side

    The gallery also got chop off?


    Tab -Wrapcount = 1

    Tab -Templatesize = Parent.Height


    Where did I do wrong? Can you please help me.  Thank you




    if I change wrap count to the formula, it become like that.
