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#PPOC2020 - Footer Sample Component for new component library

Carsten_Growth Profile Picture Posted by Carsten_Growth

After I received a couple of requests on Twitter regarding how to create a footer component with notifications, I thought of why not sharing this with the community.

As we currently cannot yet export the new component libraries with a solution file, I´ve recreated the component the classic way, so you can import it and create yourself your own component library with it.


To control the menu items simply create a table the same structure as it is provided inside the sample.
Instead of images or icons, I do prefer svg to be used. You can use the Office UI Fabric Icon Generator to create your svg for quick modification of your menu structure.

To control the notification, simply create a table the same structure as it is provided inside the sample.


To navigate between screens, you simply pass a screen name with a switch statement inside each footer "NavigateScreen" input property. It looks like this:






1, Screen1,
2, Screen2,
3, Screen3,
4, Screen4







The sample is provided as is.

