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Collections Cookbook: 50+ Visual Examples & Code

mdevaney Profile Picture Posted by mdevaney 30,012



Welcome to the PowerApps “Collections Cookbook”.

Inside you will find over 50 examples of how to do various tasks with Collections. Each page contains code and a visual to show what the code is doing.

COPY + PASTE code from the cookbook into your own app.  Just change the Collection name and column names to match your own.

Add the app to a Microsoft Teams tab for instant access.  I like to keep the Collections Cookbook close by while coding PowerApps.  That way I can quickly look for code to solve the problem I am having and the solutions are all in one place. 


Calls To Action

Give a Thumbs Up if you liked the app to make it easier for others to find in the gallery

Post a reply for any suggestions for Collections Examples you want to see added in a future version.

Send me a message for any bugs your encountered and I will try to fix them quickly

Follow me on Twitter for more PowerApps tips 


Full List of Collections Examples

What Is A Collection?
Create A Collection
Create A Single Column Collection
Insert A New Row
Insert Multiple New Rows
Change The Value In A Cell

Selecting Data

First Rows Of A Collection
Last Rows Of A Collection
Middle Rows Of A Collection
Get A Column of Values
Get Row Using LookUp On A Unique Value
Get A Value In A Cell
Filter A Collection
Filter A Collection With AND Condition
Filter A Collection OR Condition
Ungroup A Table Within A Cell
Get A Value From A Table Within A Cell


Summarizing Data

Calculate the Sum, Count, Average, Max, Min
Group By And Sum Values
Group By And Count Values
Group By And Average Values
Group By And Maximum Values
Group By And Minimum Values
Get The Rows With Top 10 Values
Get The Rows With Bottom 10 Values
Rank From Highest To Lowest With Ties
Count The Unique Values In A Column
Calculate the SumProduct of Two Columns
Add A Column Showing Percentage Of Total


Transforming Data

Sort A Collection By One Or More Columns
Join One Column From Another Collection
Join All Columns From Another Collection
Split A Text Column By Delimeter
Merge Two Columns Into A Single Column
Replace A Whole Row
Replace All Values In A Column
Fill Records With Missing Values
Round The Values In A Column
Randomly Shuffle The Order Of A Collection
Fill Blanks In A Column With Last Non-Blank Value
Add A Row Number Column
Rename A Column
Remove A Row
Remove All Rows
Remove One Or More Columns
Remove All Columns Except
Remove The Duplicates From 1 Column
Remove The Duplicates From 2 Columns
Get The Matching Values Within 2 Collections
Change Date Format In A Column
Stack Value From Multiple Columns In A Single Column


Exporting Data

Export Collection To A Datasource
Export Collection To JSON
Export Collection To CSV
Export Collection To HTML Table


(Screenshot Of The Menu)



I wish you the best of luck in building your PowerApp!




*This post is locked for comments

  • mmu094 Profile Picture mmu094 13
    Posted at
    Collections Cookbook: 50+ Visual Examples & Code

  • Nikhilpunk Profile Picture Nikhilpunk
    Posted at
    Collections Cookbook: 50+ Visual Examples & Code


  • azcram Profile Picture azcram
    Posted at
    Collections Cookbook: 50+ Visual Examples & Code

    Thanks for the awesome app, definitely one for my collection

  • PaulB3 Profile Picture PaulB3 17
    Posted at
    Collections Cookbook: 50+ Visual Examples & Code

    This is great Matthew, I always look forward to your Blog posts arriving in my inbox. 

  • Collections Cookbook: 50+ Visual Examples & Code

    @safaamostafa50 what is it you are trying to do?  The examples in The Collection Cookbook are excellent and a great place to start, but most of us needed to expand or combine the examples to fit our requirements.

  • SGusau Profile Picture SGusau 7
    Posted at
    Collections Cookbook: 50+ Visual Examples & Code

    1. Make an effort

    2. Try again

    3. Ask the community. 
    We learn by our efforts, repetitively over and over, and asking the right questions. Best of luck. 

  • safaamostafa50 Profile Picture safaamostafa50
    Posted at
    Collections Cookbook: 50+ Visual Examples & Code

    i didn't understand anything

  • dalacarelia_196 Profile Picture dalacarelia_196 648
    Posted at
    Collections Cookbook: 50+ Visual Examples & Code

    Very good Thanks for this help 🙂

  • SGusau Profile Picture SGusau 7
    Posted at
    Collections Cookbook: 50+ Visual Examples & Code

    This is one of the most helpful submissions that not only teaches but provides instant actionable code. Thank you. The community appreciates you immensely.

  • w1sd0m Profile Picture w1sd0m 151
    Posted at
    Collections Cookbook: 50+ Visual Examples & Code

    Thank you sir!