Liquid error: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: key
Liquid error: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: key
Community member
Coffee Chat | November 14, 2023
@Chrisspy1 just google 'powerapps canvas for beginners'. There's a lot of them, but Pragmatic Works and Reza Dorrani provide good intro courses and additional feature lessons.
Coffee Chat | November 14, 2023
can anyone advise me on what courses to take to become efficient in Power Apps? I really want to do some mircosoft courses in it but they have way to many and its confusing
Coffee Chat | November 14, 2023
The video is at the top of this thread. You can click "YouTube" in the bottom right of the video itself to view it on YouTube directly. There you will find the link you're looking for.
Coffee Chat | November 14, 2023
After years of no job I wish I can find a job using power apps.
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